On the Subject of A Square
It’s not an icosagon.
There is a square.
Focusing on a square makes a square change color.
Focusing on a square at a certain time makes a square change to any of these colors:
Orange | Pink | Cyan | Yellow | Lavender |
Brown | Tan | Blue | Jade | Indigo |
Colors in this table are numbered from 0–9 in reading order.
The color of a square will change if you focus on a square when the last digit of the timer is different.
Sometimes, the color’s position in the table does not match up to the timer digit. Only three colors will match up. Use these three “index” colors to find the correct colors in the next step.
- If a square’s index colors are all in the same row in the table, then hold each square over a timer tick in reading order[1].
- If two of a square’s index colors share a column in the table, then take the third index color’s row and find the remaining three other colors in that row. Hold these colors over a timer tick in reverse reading order[2].
- If none of a square’s index colors are in the left or right columns in the table, input the remaining incorrect square’s colors from the middle three columns in vertical reading order[3].
- If two of a square’s colors are in the same row in the table, hold the remaining index color over a timer tick, then hold the remaining two colors over a timer tick in reverse reading order[2].
Submit a square’s three correct colors in order to solve the module. After three correct inputs, a square will turn green upon solving. If any input is wrong, a square will turn red and strike, and the inputs will reset.
[1] Reading order, also known as scanline order, starts at the top-left, moves right across the row, and then continues likewise with each row from top to bottom.
[2] Reverse reading order starts at the bottom-right, moves left across the row, and then continues likewise with each row from bottom to top.
[3] Vertical reading order starts at the top-left, moves down the column, and then continues likewise with each column from left to right.